註冊日期 Registration:2022-05-01 ~ 2022-08-01
投稿日期 Abstract submissions:2022-05-01 ~ 2022-08-01
會議日期 Conference:2022-09-02 ~ 2022-09-04
會議地點 Location:桃園林口長庚紀念醫院研究大樓
主辦單位 Organizers:台灣神經科學聯盟
合辦單位 Co-organizers:中研院神經科學研究計畫、中研院生醫所 、林口長庚紀念醫院、漸凍人協會、 EMBO、科技部腦科技推動辦公室
報名網站:Taiwan Society for Neuroscience TSfN Congress 台灣神經科學聯盟
The Taiwan Neuroscience Alliance (TNA) is pleased to invite you to join its 2nd Taiwan Society for Neuroscience (TSfN) meeting in Linkou Chang Gung Medical Foundation, Taoyuan City, Taiwan.
To promote interdisciplinary dialogue and innovative collaboration, TNA is gathered 16 neuroscience-related societies, ranging from basic to clinical neuroscience, from computational to cognitive neuroscience, and from technology to therapeutic advances. With the great success of the first TSfN conference at Academia Sinica in 2020, we decided to organize the next conference in 2022. In addition to outstanding keynotes and plenary lectures given by internationally renowned scientists, the program is designed to integrate talks by scientists from different Taiwanese societies, who have different expertise in the fields of basic, clinical and translational neuroscience. Moreover, the oral blitz and subsequent poster presentation provides a platform for research introduction (3-min blitz), vibrant discussions and exchange of ideas (75-min poster). We hope to spark interdisciplinary collaborations with new approaches and perspectives to navigate and understand neuronal galaxies in health and disease. We look forward to welcoming scientists of all career stages in different research fields, to join the 2022 TSfN in Taoyuan.