Probing the Temporal Dynamics of Noradrenaline Release at Fine Spatial Scales during Motor Learning in Healthy and Diseased Brains 8/1/2024 3pm

  • 地點:立夫教學大樓5樓T501會議室(線上與實體同步進行)

  • 時間:2024年8月1日(四) 15:00

  • 視訊連結

  • 講者:Simon Chen, PhD, Associate professor/渥太華大學大腦與思維研究所細胞與分子醫學系(Dept. of Cellular & Molecular Medicine, Brain and Mind Institute)

  • 講題:Probing the Temporal Dynamics of Noradrenaline Release at Fine Spatial Scales during Motor Learning in Healthy and Diseased Brains