轉知: Symposium of Advanced Fluorescence Innovations in Biotechnology 6/13/2023 1pm


 Date: June 13, 1-5:30 pm

Location: Stanford Conference Room, China Medical University

Organizer: Research Center for Cancer Biology, China Medical University

Subject: The symposium aims to introduce advanced fluorescence techniques into biomedical research and bridge international collaborations. These speakers have profound experience in fluorescence techniques, such as single-molecule tracking, super-resolution, and two-photon imaging. 


  1. Akihiro Kusumi, Professor, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University

  2. Tim Yeh, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austi

  3. Bi-Chang Chen, Associate Researcher, Academia Sinica (Eric Betzig's postdoc, and the inventor of lattice light sheet)

  4. Tai-Yen Chen, Assistant Professor, University of Houston (Peng Chen's postdoc, working on single-molecule metallo-neurobiology)

  5. Guan-Yu Zhuo, Associate Professor, China Medical University 

  6. Jau-Ye Shiu, Assistant Professor, China Medical University